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Teaching Responsibility in Pet Ownership

Family dashboard illustration

Personalized pet profiles

Get personalized experiences by selecting your pet's breed, age, and special needs. Our app creates a personalized care plan just for you.

Responsibility made fun

Through interactive games and activities, children learn the responsibilities of pet ownership while having fun.

Family dashboard illustration
Family dashboard illustration

Family Dashboard

Track progress across family members and collaborate on pet care tasks with our intuitive dashboard.

What Our Customers Say


PetReady is exactly what we've been looking for! My daughter is caring for a bearded dragon, and it's been challenging to get her to stick to the daily feeding routineโ€”especially since handling worms can be icky and time-consuming. An app that realistically simulates pet care and acts as a habit changer, I'd happily share it with other moms in my Facebook groups. A one-time fee sounds perfect!

Professor at Georgia Tech, Mother of an 11-year-old


Our kids have been asking for a pet, but we're concerned about the time and financial commitments. We love the idea of letting them practice the real responsibilities involved. Features like notifications for tasks and informational cards explaining 'why' each task is important would be great. We'd also love to see options to understand that different breeds have different needs and personalities.

Parents of Kids Aged 12-14


Getting a pet is like adding a new family memberโ€”it's a huge commitment. Our kids want one, but we're not sure they're ready for the responsibility. If there's a way to test their readiness and see a report card on their readiness, we'd definitely consider using it. Anything that helps build consistency in habits is a plus!

Parents of a 15 and 9-year-old